Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Writers Block

I've been in sort of a writing funk lately. The dreaded middle *shudder* is falling flat and I don't know what to do about it. I'm at around page 66 with my writing group. But once it gets to be around page 110 they're going to be like, "Whaaat???" because the story line is not coming together. It's getting frustrating. I wake up at 5am (hit snooze about three times) and sit at my computer to stare at the pages, not sure where the plot is going. So instead I fix my tense and punctuation just so I feel like I've accomplished something.

I'm a planner, I like to have my week planned days in advance. That's usually how I write my stories too. In my previous books, I outlined the entire novel. But with this book, I decided to just go with the flow and let the ideas come. And they did at first, I think my beginning is pretty good. But I need to rewrite about half of the novel to make the rest work. Which is okay with me, that's what revising is all about. Not giving up on it yet.

This year my life has definitely had its highs and lows. I blame nobody but myself. I just need to remind myself that no matter how low you get, the highs are just so much sweeter. And they will come, you just have to wait for it. People in your life will come and go, but if they want you in their life, they'll put you in there, you shouldn't have to fight for a spot.

I hope this funk, in writing and in life, turns into something amazing :)


  1. Your book is coming along so well. I know you'll figure out the "muddy middle"! I think everyone has trouble with that part.

  2. Greetings, earthling. Find-out where we went on our journey far, far away like the synonyMOUSE metaphors which shall creeep stealthily across thy brain bringing U.S. together...

    and see if you cannot 'read-between-the-lines' -or- VERBUM SAT SAPIENTI (Latin: words to the wise): here's summore symbiotically-explosive-coolness done in sardonic satires when we passed-away...

    Here's what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Go git'm, girl. You're incredible.
    See you Upstairs...
    I won't be joining them in the Abyss.

  3. Greetings, earthling. Find-out where we went on our journey far, far away like the synonyMOUSE metaphors which shall creeep stealthily across thy brain bringing U.S. together...

    and see if you cannot 'read-between-the-lines' -or- VERBUM SAT SAPIENTI (Latin: words to the wise): here's summore symbiotically-explosive-coolness done in sardonic satires when we passed-away...

    Here's what the prolific, exquisite GODy sed: 'the more you shall honor Me, the more I shall bless you' -the Infant Jesus of Prague.

    Go git'm, girl. You're incredible.
    See you Upstairs...
    I won't be joining them in the Abyss.
